


官网: http://www.quinticcorp.com






主营业务 技术开发、技术转让、技术服务、技术咨询;销售自行研发的产品、电子产品;货物进出口。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动。)
企业简介 昆天科微电子是一家业界领先的芯片设计公司,专注于给众多消费类客户提供低能耗、高性价比的无线接入解决方案。 2005年成立于硅谷的昆天科公司最初是由几位在无线、射频、混合信号集成电路设计方面拥有丰富的研发经验和极高的创新能力的资深技术人员创立,其核心的设计和架构工程师都来自于不同无线领域的世界级顶尖公司,技术专长包括WLAN、蓝牙、WiMax、移动电视和Ultra Wideband等通信标准。这支优秀的技术团队致力于为便携式和手持式多媒体市场提供全球领先的无线接入技术。 自2007年初,昆天科微电子开始研发调频生产线的系列产品,并且为在个人无线音频连接应用的领域中能够充分集成高性能的调频发射芯片而扬帆起航。几年来,昆天科已经开发出了应用于便携式/手持式的最完整的调频/调幅产品组合,包括调频发射芯片,调频接收芯片,调频收发芯片,调频/调幅接收芯片,用于调频的嵌入式天线等等。此外,昆天科的飞迪欧TM专利技术也已经进入了基于调频的无线音箱和无线耳机市场。 在2010年初,昆天科交付了市场一个世界最小的模拟电视解决方案――QN8610,它具有最高的集成度、最低的功耗以及卓越的性能。它的创新技术真正实现了“随处可见”的模拟电视用户体验。 昆天科公司总部设在美国硅谷,同北京昆天科微电子一起利用自身在亚洲所拥有的庞大业务网络为IDH/ODM/OEM客户提供了极为便捷、周到的技术支持。此外,我们拥有一支强大的销售和技术支持队伍在北京、上海、深圳以及美国的圣克拉拉,保证了昆天科的服务始终处于行业领导地位。 产品应用范围 ? 便携式多煤体播放器 ? 便携式GPS导航器 ? 手持设备 ? 掌上电脑 Introduction Quintic Corporation is a fabless IC design company that provides high performance, low power and cost efficient wireless multimedia and connectivity solutions for consumer electronic applications. Quintic was founded in Silicon Valley in 2005 by seasoned veterans who are highly skilled and talented in wireless systems, RF and mixed-signal circuit design. Key engineers come from world leading companies in various wireless industries including WLAN, Bluetooth, WiMax, Mobile TV and Ultra Wideband communications. The Quintic team has come together to address the unique needs of the portable multimedia and handheld markets. Since early 2007, Quintic has started FM product line and shipped the fully integrated high performance FM transmitter for personal wireless audio link application. Over the years, Quintic has developed the most complete FM/AM product portfolio for portable/handheld applications, including FM transmitter, FM receiver, FM transceiver, FM/AM receiver, embedded antenna for FM, etc. Also, Quintic’s patented Air Audio? technology has enabled the FM based wireless speaker and wireless earphone market. In early 2010, Quintic delivered to the market the world’s smallest ATV solution, the QN8610, with highest level of integration, lowest power and very high performance. Its innovative technology truly enables the ubiquitous ATV experience. Quintic Corporation is headquartered in Silicon Valley, and with Quintic Microelectronics in Beijing, China, it offers a significant advantage to IDH/ODM/OEM customers with considerable operational footprint in Asia. Moreover, with a solid team of sales and field application engineers in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Santa Clara, Quintic is uniquely positioned to support customers worldwide. Applications: Portable Media Players Portable Navigation Devices Handheld Notebook Peripherals


统一社会信用代码 911101087934032209 公司类型 有限责任公司(外商投资企业法人独资)
法人 白杰先 注册资本 500.26万元人民币
成立时间 2006-09-29 登记状态 注销
经营期限 2006-09-29 至 2036-09-28 登记机关 北京市工商行政管理局海淀分局
经营范围 技术开发、技术转让、技术服务、技术咨询;销售自行研发的产品、电子产品;货物进出口。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动。)


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