电话:010-59756336 同电话企业 7
官网: http://www.borqs.com
主营业务 | 开发、设计移动通讯终端设备;技术转让;信息咨询(中介除外);销售自行开发的产品;货物进出口;技术进出口。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动。) |
企业简介 | Borqs Ltd. (Borqs), established in September 2007, is a hi-tech enterprise dedicated to providing end-to-end software solutions for all parties of the mobile communications industry, including mobile services operators and handset manufacturers. Borqs is primarily engaged in the development and promotion of the mobile operating platform and its application software. The achievement of mutual benefit in an open source environment is the objective of Borqs' operations and collaborations. Since its establishment, Borqs is determined to be the pioneer and leader in the field of open source application software in China's mobile communications industry and the international market. There are currently several hundred of technology professionals in Borqs(Beijing-HQ, Shanzhen, San Francisco and Bangalore, India office), of which over 90% are technical staff members. In terms of educational background, over 50% of technical staff is in possession of a master’s degree or above; While 70% of technical staff have more than 5 years of experience in research & development. The majority of our research & development team consists of previous core technicians of world-famous/class mobile terminal manufacturers and research & development institutions in the industry, and our scope of research includes mobile internet and wireless terminals. Apart from the research & development as well as design of mobile terminal, the team at Borqs also has abundant experience in promoting mobile terminal software and hardware, and maintains amicable relationship with most of the domestic and foreign mobile terminal manufacturers and application services providers. Our team is proficient in the research and development as well as the promotion of industrialization based on mobile terminal basic/foundation software, application software and end-to-end all-round solutions. Borqs has built a team with solid industry background, professional dedication, and a strong core competence in the mobile terminal industry, a team that is the best carrier in the research and development as well as promotion of mobile terminal basic/foundation software. Presently the major product of Borqs is the OPhoneOS, which is a total solution geared to the needs of mobile terminal basic/foundation software and application software of mobile internet. 播思通讯技术有限公司(简称“播思通讯”)成立于2007年9月,是一家致力于向移动通信产业链各方(包括移动运营商、手机厂商等)提供端到端的软件解决方案的高新技术企业,主要从事移动互联操作平台和应用软件的开发推广。 开放、开源、共赢是播思通讯的经营合作宗旨。自成立之初,播思通讯就立志成为中国移动通信领域和国际市场开源应用软件的倡导者及领跑者。 播思通讯现有科技专业人员共数百人(北京、深圳、旧金山和印度班加罗尔等地),其中技术人员占90%以上,50%以上技术人员具有硕士研究生及以上学历,70%的技术人员具有5年以上研发工作经验。研发团队主要来源于曾就职于业界知名的移动通信终端制造及研发机构的核心技术团队,研究领域涉及移动互联网、无线终端等。 除了移动终端的研发和设计,播思通讯的团队还具有丰富的移动通信终端软件和硬件的推广经验,与国内外的大部分终端厂商和应用服务提供商具有良好的关系。 整个团队精于基于移动终端基础软件、应用软件及端到端整体解决方案的研发和产业化推广。播思通讯打造了一支具有深厚行业背景和敬业精神的团队,在移动终端产业具有很强的核心竞争力,是为移动终端基础软件最佳的研发和推广的载体。 播思通讯现在主要的产品是Open Mobile Phone Operating System(OPhone OS),OPhone OS是面向移动互联网的移动终端基础软件和应用软件的整体解决方案。 |
统一社会信用代码 | 91110108666251455B | 公司类型 | 有限责任公司(台港澳法人独资) |
法人 | 陈锡源 | 注册资本 | 8000万美元 |
成立时间 | 2007-09-04 | 登记状态 | 存续 |
经营期限 | 2007-09-04 至 2027-09-03 | 登记机关 | 北京市朝阳区市场监督管理局 |
经营范围 | 开发、设计移动通讯终端设备;技术转让;信息咨询(中介除外);销售自行开发的产品;货物进出口;技术进出口。(市场主体依法自主选择经营项目,开展经营活动;依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动;不得从事国家和本市产业政策禁止和限制类项目的经营活动。) |
更多 >>行业:科技推广和应用服务业