


官网: http://www.availink.com.cn






主营业务 设计、开发、生产超大规模集成电路、通信及家电系统模块;提供技术服务、技术咨询、技术转让;销售自产产品,货物进出口,技术进出口(不涉及国营贸易管理商品,涉及配额许可证管理商品的按国家有关规定办理申请手续)。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动。)
企业简介 Availink Inc. is a technology-driven fabless semiconductor company, focusing on the multimedia and digital TV industries. Availink Inc. is backed by premiere financial institutions, with offices in China and the United States and with targeted consumer markets around the world. By grouping a great team of professionals, building multiple product lines in fast growing markets, and attracting beachhead customers, Availink is positioned to grow into a significant player in the field. If you are hands-on, results-oriented, energetic and eager to take this opportunity to learn, grow, and strive to achieve the best results, Availink will offer you a challenging and rewarding career. Availink has a core technical team of system experts and its mixed signal IC design experts with cutting edge experience in IC development and system solutions. The technologies they invented made a significant impact on WCDMA/CDMA2000, DVB, 802.11, and satellite radio. Positioned to compete with industry leaders in the field, Availink has subsequently developed a series of technologies and products for the digital TV market. Our product portfolio includes ABS-S (Advanced Broadcasting System-Satellite, China DTH standard), DVB-S2 (Digital Video Broadcasting-Satellite-Second Generation), DTMB (Digital Terrestrial Multimedia Broadcasting, ratified as the Chinese national digital television broadcasting standard) and SOC for multimedia applications. As a core technology provider, Availink is driving the China DTH industry. Through closely collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Broadcasting Science in the development of ABS-S, Availink proudly launched the first channel receiver IC in August, 2006 that is fully compliant with ABS-S.By successfully launching the world’s most advanced DVB-S2 channel receiver IC with the lowest power consumption at the end of 2007, and close collaborations with the world’s first-class tuner model designers, Availink has showed a strong momentum entering into international competition and is speeding up the introduction of new products. Furthermore, Availink is rolling out its DTMB channel receiver IC that is of highest performance dual-mode chip that will reshape the introduction. Availink strives to be leader in every market it chooses to compete. By getting close to our customers and the market we serve, we uncover the unique needs of each individual customer and respond to those needs quickly. We are aggressively pursuing our business goal of pushing technology to the limits, and achieving a high level of customer satisfaction.


统一社会信用代码 911101087899505398 公司类型 有限责任公司(台港澳法人独资)
法人 何群 注册资本 1326万美元
成立时间 2006-06-14 登记状态 存续
经营期限 2006-06-14 至 2026-06-13 登记机关 北京市工商行政管理局海淀分局
经营范围 设计、开发超大规模集成电路、通信及家电系统模块;提供技术服务、技术咨询、技术转让;销售自行开发的软件产品;货物进出口;技术进出口(不涉及国营贸易管理商品,涉及配额许可证管理商品的按国家有关规定办理申请手续)。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动。)


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