


官网: http://www.defi-group.com






主营业务 暂无
企业简介 Some Facts and Figures 集团公司简介 -The company was founded in 1977 by M. Gaetan DEODATO, specializing in Spectacular outdoor advertising. 集团公司由M. Gaetan DEODATO先生于1977年创立,集团业务为大型户外广告经营。 -We have operated in Tianjin, China, since 1995 and set up our company in Beijing in 1998 with the aim of developing Spectacular outdoor advertising throughout China. 集团在华大型户外广告经营业务始于1995年,同年成立天津合资公司,1998年成立北京公司。 -Our group of companies includes SPOON DESIGN (architecture), PORTE SA (European signage manufacturer), IKÖNIK (design & project management) and DEFI LICHUAN & DEFI ASIA (Spectacular outdoor advertising) and DBS (China signage manufacturer). -我集团下属的公司包括:SPOON设计公司(建筑设计),PORTE SA工厂(欧洲市场标识制造),依科设计公司(标识设计和标识项目管理),帝飞立川霓虹灯开发有限公司和帝飞亚洲(户外广告业务经营)以及帝飞(北京)标牌有限责任公司(中国地区标识制造) Introduction to DBS DBS简介 -We have been very successful with the development of Spectacular outdoor advertising but, in response to our clients' demand for production of high quality signs coupled with efficient service, we subsequently opened the company DEFI BEIJING SIGNAGE (DBS) in 2002 which focuses on signage design, manufacture and installation. 伴随着在华户外广告业务的发展,我们发现很多在华高端客户对自设性标识产品及相关技术服务有着广泛的市场需求。集团在2002年正式注册成立以标识设计,生产,安装为一体的帝飞(北京)标牌有限责任公司(简称DBS)。 -DBS is now part of IKÖNIK Group, which allows us to enlarge the scope of our services from design to signage manufacturing, as well as to extend our operations from China to Europe through our branch offices in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. DBS目前为依科集团的一员,依托依科使DBS的业务得到了长足地发展,业务范围涵盖设计服务和标识制造,同时通过集团在欧洲,中东和亚洲的各地办事机构使我们的业务地域从中国拓展至中东和欧洲。 -Since 2006 we have provided international coverage through our branch offices in Europe (PARIS, PRAGUE), the Middle East (DUBAI) and Asia (BEIJING, SHANGHAI & HONG KONG). 从2006年起,集团通过欧洲的巴黎和布拉格,中东迪拜和亚洲北京、上海、香港等地办事处间通力协作,许多跨国项目得以发展并成功实施。 -In just a few years DBS has become one of the market leaders in signage manufacturing. DBS通过全面的服务,良好的管理,过硬的产品质量,在短短的几年内跃升为国内标识制造业的领军者。 The Best Service 一站式服务 With extensive European experience in the signage field and over 10 years expertise acquired in China, DBS offers its customers a unique "Full Service Package": 根据集团公司在欧洲及在中国长达10多年的丰富标识制作经验,帝飞(北京)标牌有限责任公司能够为企业提供标识“全方位一站式服务”。 Design & Concept:From adaptation of a customer's corporate identity to innovation of a completely new image. 设计&概念:由专业的设计师按照客户CI或客户意图进行户内外标识创意设计; Audit & Survey: We evaluate your needs and our teams of experts conduct site surveys to determine the best siting of signs, their positioning and size, and their integration into the architectural environment. 勘察:根据客户的要求,对现场进行详细勘察,了解建筑物的位置,实景测量,为客户提供最佳的标识效果分析解决方案。 Authorizations: Our PR team will secure permits and authorizations for installations and operations all over China. 报批:PR人员根据每个项目具体的情况以及全国各城市不同的规定来完成该项目的报批工作。 Production: DBS has introduced European standards in its production processes, from the preparation of plans to the complete production of signage, working with experienced Chinese and foreign technicians. 制作:DBS在华拥有经验丰富的中外工程师,并在生产过程中参考并引进欧洲标识制作标准,以此保证制作方案的制订和实施,并提供全程的技术指导和监控。 Installation: We take charge of the installation process via our own installation team under the supervision and management of our national-grade structural and civil engineers. 安装:DBS拥有多名具备丰富店标安装经验的国家级结构工程师和土木工程师,全程指导现场的技术安装工作。 Maintenance: Our dedicated rapid-response maintenance team provides clients with the most efficient service. 维修:DBS拥有一支专业的维护保养队伍,除了定期对店标进行维护外,同时可以在最短的时间内完成店标的维修工作。 Insurance: DBS has Public & Product Liability Insurance to protect customers' interests. 保险:DBS为标识提供第叁者财产以及人身意外责任险,保证客户利益。 How you benefit 您的获益 Complete respect of your corporate identity policy and image 严格保护客户CI标准和形象; Specially-tailored, comprehensive service from design to installation 从设计到安装,遵循标准的程序,提供全面的服务; Capacity to follow both your national and international development 有能力协同客户运作国内和国际项目; Complete respect of international and Chinese regulations 全面遵守国际国内的技术标准; Use of latest technologies for lighting systems and production methods 使用最新的灯光技术和生产技术; Long service life of signage due to the high quality of products and the production processes used 标准的质量控制程序保证了标识超长的使用寿命; Our Experience: 我们的经验: Design projects(创意和深化设计) Small and large retail projects (零售业标识解决方案) Special projects (特殊项目的解决方案) Hotels (酒店业标识解决方案) Public transport and facilities(公共交通和公共设备标识解决方案) Indoor signage (室内标识) Advertising (户外广告) hr@defi-asia.com


统一社会信用代码 91110105743300127B 公司类型 有限责任公司(台港澳法人独资)
法人 苏俊 注册资本 195万美元
成立时间 2002-11-22 登记状态 存续
经营期限 2002-11-22 至 2032-11-21 登记机关 北京市顺义区市场监督管理局
经营范围 制作广告标牌(仅限分支机构经营);室内外装饰装修;设计、安装广告标牌及信息咨询;设计、制作、发布、代理国内外各类广告;企业形象策划;批发五金交电、建筑材料、日用品、电子产品、家具、展柜、金属制品;货物进出口。 (不涉及国营贸易管理商品,涉及配额、许可证管理商品的,按国家有关规定办理申请。)(市场主体依法自主选择经营项目,开展经营活动;依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动;不得从事国家和本市产业政策禁止和限制类项目的经营活动。)


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