
电话:0411-39516666 同电话企业 13


官网: http://www.haosen.com.cn






主营业务 豪森公司是一家智能生产线和智能设备集成供应商,主要从事智能生产线的规划、研发、设计、装配、调试集成、销售、服务和交钥匙工程等。公司依据客户产品要求、质量保证特性和生产纲领等进行工艺方案规划,再依据研发设计的工位设备技术方案进行采购、加工、装配和调试等。公司的产品首先在公司现场完成整条产线的装配和调试,通过客户的预验收后发货至客户现场,在客户现场完成智能生产线的装配和调试,并通过客户的终验收,最终完成满足要求的智能生产线。公司的主导产品:发动机智能装配线、变速箱智能装配线、动力锂电池智能生产线、氢燃料电池智能生产线、新能源汽车驱动电机智能生产线和白车身焊装智能生产线等。
企业简介 大连豪森公司始建于1998年,秉承着“以人为本、客户至上,追求卓越、塑造一流”的经营理念,目前已发展成为集科研开发、技术设计、生产制造于一体的国内同行业规模最大的科技先导型企业,是中国最大的汽车装配线制造商。 Dalian Haosenread Equipment Manufacture Co., Ltd. was founded in 1998. Adhering to the business principle of “People Oriented, Customer Focus, commitment to Excellence, and building up for the Best”, Haosen has become a pioneering technological enterprise integrating research and development, technical design, manufacture, which owns the largest scale in same industry in China, which is the biggest automotive assembly line manufacture. 公司先后与上汽、通用、卡特彼勒、康明斯进行了产品研发、设计和装配线研发、设计的同步工程,并于2013年初进入宝马供应商管理体系。公司对装配线的设计研发理念得以持续地提升与转变。 Haosen did product development and design, assembly line development and design simultaneous engineering with SAIC, GM, Caterpillar, Cummins successively, and was accepted into BMW supplier management system in the beginning of 2013, which makes Haosen continuously promote and transform assembly line design and development idea. 大连豪森公司先后为汽车发动机行业研制了大量的发动机、变速箱装配线及专用机床等设备,在装配、测量等领域为用户提供了一批技术先进、性能可靠的替代进口产品,填补了国内空白。 Dalian Haosen successively develops lots of engine, transmission assembly lines and special purpose machines etc. to automotive engine industry, provides many products with advanced technology and reliable performance in assembly and measuring areas, which substitute for imported product and fill the gap in domestic market. 公司的主导产品为发动机、变速箱装配线及专用设备,产品实现了高度的机电一体化,在自动化、数控化、信息化方面处于技术领先地位。 Haosen’s leading products are engine, transmission assembly line and special purpose machines, which realizes high level integration of mechanical and electrical, takes the lead in automation, numerical control and informatization. 大连豪森公司现有员工近千人,本科及以上学历员工约占总人数的38%,现拥有省级企业技术中心一个,并与大连理工大学、大连工业大学等高等院校建立了校企合作伙伴关系。 Currently, Haosen employs almost 1000 staff, 38% of them are bachelor degree or above, have one provincial level enterprise technology center, and build university and enterprise cooperation partnership with higher education institutions such as Dalian University of Technology and Dalian Polytechnic University etc. 公司倡导团结、协作的团队精神,坚持公司发展与个人发展紧密结合的发展理念,主张为公司创造价值的个人应当获得相应丰厚的收入。 Haosen advocates the spirits of unity and collaboration teamwork, insists development concept of close integration of company and personal development, persist that individual who creates value to company should obtain handsome income. 为能更好的服务来自不同领域的客户,公司诚招各界英才,共创美好明天。 In order to better serve customers from different areas, Haosen sincerely welcome elites of all sorts to join us to create a better tomorrow. 应聘请投递简历至:hr@haosen.com.cn,主题为“应聘+岗位” 联系人:盛女士 公司主页:www.haosen.com.cn


统一社会信用代码 9121021179201440X1 公司类型 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股的法人独资)
法人 董德熙 注册资本 18000万元人民币
成立时间 2006-09-26 登记状态 存续
经营期限 2006-09-26 至 无固定期限 登记机关 大连市甘井子区市场监督管理局
经营范围 机械零配件加工;工业控制系统、机电设备的开发与制造;国内一般贸易;货物或技术进出口(国家禁止或涉及行政审批的货物和技术进出口除外)。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动。)


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